Cleaning up and combining data, a dataset for practice

tldr: I created an open dataset for the explicit practice of data munging. Feel free to use it in assignments, but do mention where you got it from (CC-by-4.0). Also unicorns are awesome. Find the dataset at: Data munging / cleaning / engineering At work I was working with a two excel files that were slightly different but could be combined into 1 dataset. This is very typical for day to day cleaning operations that analysts and data scientists do (statisticians too). [Read More]

add abbreviations to your rmarkdown doc

Today a small tip for when you write rmarkdown documents. Add a chunk on top with abbreviations. in the first chunks you set the options and load the packages. Next create abbreviations, you don’t have to care about the ordering, just put them down as you realize you are creating them. The first step makes a dataframe (a tibble, rowwise), and the second step orders them. tribble( ~Abbreviation, ~ Explanation, "CIA", "Central Intelligence Agency", "dplyr", "data. [Read More]

Where to live in the Netherlands based on temperature XKCD style

After seeing a plot of best places to live in Spain and the USA based on the weather, I had to chime in and do the same thing for the Netherlands. The idea is simple, determine where you want to live based on your temperature preferences. First the end result: How to read this plot? In this xkcd comic we see that the topleft of the the graph represents “if you hate cold and hate heat”, if you go down from the topleft to the bottom left the winters get colder and ending in “if you love cold and hate heat”. [Read More]

Generate text using Markov Chains (sort of)

Inspired by the hilarious podcast The Greatest Generation, I have worked again with all the lines from all the episode scripts of TNG. Today I will make a clunky bot (although it does nothing and is absolutely not useful) that talks like Captain Picard. I actually wanted to use a Markov Chain to generate text. A Markov Chain has a specific property. It doesn’t care what happened before, it only looks at probabilities from the current state to a next state. [Read More]

Non-standard-evaluation and standard evaluation in dplyr

THIS POST IS NO LONGER ENTIRELY RELEVANT. DPLYR 0.7 HAS A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT (AND SLIGHTLY MORE INTUITIVE) WAY OF WORKING WITH NON-STANDARD EVALUATION. I love the dplyr package with all of its functions, however if you use normal dplyr in functions in your package r-cmd-check will give you a warning: R CMD check NOTE: No visible binding for global variable NAME OF YOUR VARIABLE 1. The functions do work, and everything is normal, however if you submit your package to CRAN, such a NOTE is not acceptable. [Read More]

From spss to R, part 4

This is the second part of working with ggplot. We will combine the packages dplyr and ggplot to improve our workflow. When you make a visualisation you often experiment with different versions of your plot. Our workflow will be dynamic, in stead of saving every version of the plot you created, we will recreate the plot untill it looks the way you want it. In the previous lesson we worked with some build in datasets. [Read More]

Tidying your data

Introduction To make analyses work we often need to change the way files look. Sometimes information is recorded in a way that was very efficient for input but not workable for your analyses. In other words, the data is messy and we need to make it tidy. Tidy data means 1: Each variable forms a column. Each observation forms a row. Each type of observational unit forms a table. [Read More]

From spss to R, part 2

Introduction In this lesson we will open a .sav file in Rstudio and manipulate the data.frame. We will select parts of the file and create some simple overviews. First time with R? No problem, see lesson 1 toc {:toc} Download a .sav (SPSS) file I downloaded the following dataset from DUO (Dienst uitvoering onderwijs): [Aantal wo ingeschrevenen (binnen domein ho)][3]. This dataset has a cc0 declaration, which means it is in the public domain and we can do anything we want with this file. [Read More]