Moving parts of a country over a map

I love making maps, I also love making gifs. In this short post I make an animated gif of parts of a map moving. In this case the parts of the map only move in the xy direction, but you can also turn them, and make them bigger or smaller. Today I show you how I made a part of the Netherlands ‘float away’. It is part of a larger nonsense project (I have many silly projects), and mostly just to document my path to learning about spatial analytics. [Read More]

Turning kindle notes into a tidy data

It is my dream to do everything with R. And we aRe almost there. We can write blogs in blogdown or bookdown, write reports in RMarkdown (thank you Yihui Xie!) create interactive webpages with Shiny (thank you Winston Chang). Control our lifx lights with lifxr (great work Carl!) and use emoticons everywhere with the emo package. There is even a novel of my vision! I recently found chapter 40 of A Dr. [Read More]